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Color for the Web

Timestream Color Map

This is an active client-side map. As you pass the cursor over this palette of non-dithering Netscape colors, the Hex Triplet value is displayed in the status bar below. Click on a color to display its system palette number and RGB value on the top line of your window. Use the 'Back' button to return. Download free Timestream Colors for the real thing!

Non-dithering Netscape Palette Chart and Values

This powerful and exhaustively complete chart of the 216 non-dithering colors and the system colors that make up the 256 8-bit Netscape Windows and Macintosh palettes is at palette.html and is useful for Web page developers who wish to avoid strangely-dithered background colors and images. This chart includes Macintosh and Windows system palette numbers for Director and SuperCard developers. Download a free version of Timestream Colors for a handy Web page color designing tool.

Additional Documents:
Explanation: The Netscape non-dithering 8-bit palette
palette.txt: Text version of Netscape color palette chart (<1KB)
palette.gif.hqx: A 395 x 4312 pixel BinHexed image for Mac (138KB) A 395 x 4312 pixel .gif image for Windows (103KB)

Netscape's Special Color Names and Values

A list of more than 100 color names accepted by Netscape in lieu of the familiar Hex triplets is at ns3names.html. Some users may find it easier to use, for example, 'darkorange' than 'FF8C00' when describing the color of text and backgrounds in their HTML pages. Along with each color name is a swatch of color, its Hex triplet, its RGB value, and the closest approximation of that named color to a color in the Netscape non-dithering palette with its Hex and RGB values. In addition, the palette number of that color is provided for Macromedia Director's Macintosh and Windows system palettes and for SuperCard's Macintosh system palette. You need Navigator 3.0 to see the color swatches (this HTML document uses the BGCOLOR= attribute of the <TABLE> tag); if you are running Navigator 2.0, you will still see the text of the entire table. Navigator may run a bit slowly while it calculates colors and processes this large table.

Custom Netscape Palettes for use with Photoshop and other image editing applications -- these custom palettes contain the 216 non-dithering colors and the additional 40 system colors supported by the Netscape Navigator browser. When you convert your images to .gif format using Photoshop, load this palette during mode change and your image will be WYSIWYG on all platforms running Netscape Navigator. Only one type of Windows palette file need be in the 'palettes' directory; take your pick. How to use a custom palette in Photoshop is explained here.

Custom CLUT (Color Look-Up Table) for Macintosh (put in 'Color Palettes' folder)

Custom Photoshop .ACT palette file for Windows (put in 'palettes' directory)

Custom Microsoft .PAL file for Windows (put in 'palettes' directory)

FFFFFF	1	255,255,255
FFCCFF 7 255,204,255
FF99FF 13 255,153,255
FF66FF 19 255,102,255
FF33FF 25 255,51,255
FF00FF 31 255,0,255
FF0000 36 255,0,0
0000FF 211 0,0,255
FFFFCC 2 255,255,204
FFCCCC 8 255,204,204
FF99CC 14 255,153,204
FF66CC 20 255,102,204
FF33CC 26 255,51,204
FF00CC 32 255,0,204
EE0000 216 238,0,0
0000EE 236 0,0,238
FFFF99 3 255,255,153
FFCC99 9 255,204,153
FF9999 15 255,153,153
FF6699 21 255,102,153
FF3399 27 255,51,153
FF0099 33 255,0,153
DD0000 217 221,0,0
0000DD 237 0,0,221
FFFF66 4 255,255,102
FFCC66 10 255,204,102
FF9966 16 255,153,102
FF6666 22 255,102,102
FF3366 28 255,51,102
FF0066 34 255,0,102
CC0000 72 204,0,0
0000CC 212 0,0,204
FFFF33 5 255,255,51
FFCC33 11 255,204,51
FF9933 17 255,153,51
FF6633 23 255,102,51
FF3333 29 255,51,51
FF0033 35 255,0,51
BB0000 218 187,0,0
0000BB 238 0,0,187
FFFF00 6 255,255,0
FFCC00 12 255,204,0
FF9900 18 255,153,0
FF6600 24 255,102,0
FF3300 30 255,51,0
FF0000 36 255,0,0
AA0000 219 170,0,0
0000AA 239 0,0,170
CCFFFF 37 204,255,255
CCCCFF 43 204,204,255
CC99FF 49 204,153,255
CC66FF 55 204,102,255
CC33FF 61 204,51,255
CC00FF 67 204,0,255
990000 108 153,0,0
000099 213 0,0,153
CCFFCC 38 204,255,204
CCCCCC 44 204,204,204
CC99CC 50 204,153,204
CC66CC 56 204,102,204
CC33CC 62 204,51,204
CC00CC 68 204,0,204
880000 220 136,0,0
000088 240 0,0,136
CCFF99 39 204,255,153
CCCC99 45 204,204,153
CC9999 51 204,153,153
CC6699 57 204,102,153
CC3399 63 204,51,153
CC0099 69 204,0,153
770000 221 119,0,0
000077 241 0,0,119
CCFF66 40 204,255,102
CCCC66 46 204,204,102
CC9966 52 204,153,102
CC6666 58 204,102,102
CC3366 64 204,51,102
CC0066 70 204,0,102
660000 144 102,0,0
000066 214 0,0,102
CCFF33 41 204,255,51
CCCC33 47 204,204,51
CC9933 53 204,153,51
CC6633 59 204,102,51
CC3333 65 204,51,51
CC0033 71 204,0,51
550000 222 85,0,0
000055 242 0,0,85
CCFF00 42 204,255,0
CCCC00 48 204,204,0
CC9900 54 204,153,0
CC6600 60 204,102,0
CC3300 66 204,51,0
CC0000 72 204,0,0
440000 223 68,0,0
000044 243 0,0,68
99FFFF 73 153,255,255
99CCFF 79 153,204,255
9999FF 85 153,153,255
9966FF 91 153,102,255
9933FF 97 153,51,255
9900FF 103 153,0,255
330000 180 51,0,0
000033 215 0,0,51
99FFCC 74 153,255,204
99CCCC 80 153,204,204
9999CC 86 153,153,204
9966CC 92 153,102,204
9933CC 98 153,51,204
9900CC 104 153,0,204
220000 224 34,0,0
000022 244 0,0,34
99FF99 75 153,255,153
99CC99 81 153,204,153
999999 87 153,153,153
996699 93 153,102,153
993399 99 153,51,153
990099 105 153,0,153
110000 225 17,0,0
000011 245 0,0,17
99FF66 76 153,255,102
99CC66 82 153,204,102
999966 88 153,153,102
996666 94 153,102,102
993366 100 153,51,102
990066 106 153,0,102
99FF33 77 153,255,51
99CC33 83 153,204,51
999933 89 153,153,51
996633 95 153,102,51
993333 101 153,51,51
990033 107 153,0,51
99FF00 78 153,255,0
99CC00 84 153,204,0
999900 90 153,153,0
996600 96 153,102,0
993300 102 153,51,0
990000 108 153,0,0
000000 256 0,0,0
66FFFF 109 102,255,255
66CCFF 115 102,204,255
6699FF 121 102,153,255
6666FF 127 102,102,255
6633FF 133 102,51,255
6600FF 139 102,0,255
FFFFFF 1 255,255,255
66FFCC 110 102,255,204
66CCCC 116 102,204,204
6699CC 122 102,153,204
6666CC 128 102,102,204
6633CC 134 102,51,204
6600CC 140 102,0,204
66FF99 111 102,255,153
66CC99 117 102,204,153
669999 123 102,153,153
666699 129 102,102,153
663399 135 102,51,153
660099 141 102,0,153
66FF66 112 102,255,102
66CC66 118 102,204,102
669966 124 102,153,102
666666 130 102,102,102
663366 136 102,51,102
660066 142 102,0,102
000000 256 0,0,0
001100 235 0,17,0
66FF33 113 102,255,51
66CC33 119 102,204,51
669933 125 102,153,51
666633 131 102,102,51
663333 137 102,51,51
660033 142 102,0,51
111111 255 17,17,17
002200 234 0,34,0
66FF00 114 102,255,0
66CC00 120 102,204,0
669900 126 102,153,0
666600 132 102,102,0
663300 138 102,51,0
660000 143 102,0,0
222222 254 34,34,34
003300 210 0,51,0
33FFFF 145 51,255,255
33CCFF 151 51,204,255
3399FF 157 51,153,255
3366FF 163 51,102,255
3333FF 169 51,51,255
3300FF 175 51,0,255
333333 173 51,51,51
004400 233 0,68,0
33FFCC 146 51,255,204
33CCCC 152 51,204,204
3399CC 158 51,153,204
3366CC 164 51,102,204
3333CC 170 51,51,204
3300CC 176 51,0,204
444444 253 68,68,68
005500 232 0,85,0
33FF99 147 51,255,153
33CC99 153 51,204,153
339999 159 51,153,153
336699 165 51,102,153
333399 171 51,51,153
330099 177 51,0,153
555555 252 85,85,85
006600 204 0,102,0
33FF66 148 51,255,102
33CC66 154 51,204,102
339966 160 51,153,102
336666 166 51,102,102
333366 172 51,51,102
330066 178 51,0,102
666666 130 102,102,102
007700 231 0,119,0
33FF33 149 51,255,51
33CC33 155 51,204,51
339933 161 51,153,51
336633 167 51,102,51
333333 173 51,51,51
330033 179 51,0,51
777777 251 119,119,119
008800 230 0,136,0
33FF00 150 51,255,0
33CC00 156 51,204,0
339900 162 51,153,0
336600 168 51,102,0
333300 174 51,51,0
330000 180 51,0,0
888888 250 136,136,136
009900 198 0,153,0
00FFFF 181 0,255,255
00CCFF 187 0,204,255
0099FF 193 0,153,255
0066FF 199 0,102,255
0033FF 205 0,51,255
0000FF 211 0,0,255
999999 87 153,153,153
00AA00 229 0,170,0
00FFCC 182 0,255,204
00CCCC 188 0,204,204
0099CC 194 0,153,204
0066CC 200 0,102,204
0033CC 206 0,51,204
0000CC 212 0,0,204
AAAAAA 249 170,170,170
00BB00 228 0,187,0
00FF99 183 0,255,153
00CC99 189 0,204,153
009999 195 0,153,153
006699 201 0,102,153
003399 207 0,51,153
000099 213 0,0,153
BBBBBB 248 187,187,187
00CC00 192 0,204,0
00FF66 184 0,255,102
00CC66 190 0,204,102
009966 196 0,153,102
006666 202 0,102,102
003366 208 0,51,102
000066 214 0,0,102
CCCCCC 44 204,204,204
00DD00 227 0,221,0
00FF33 185 0,255,51
00CC33 191 0,204,51
009933 197 0,153,51
006633 203 0,102,51
003333 209 0,51,51
000033 215 0,0,51
DDDDDD 247 221,221,221
00EE00 226 0,238,0
00FF00 186 0,255,0
00CC00 192 0,204,0
009900 198 0,153,0
006600 204 0,102,0
003300 210 0,51,0
000000 256 0,0,0
EEEEEE 246 238,238,238
00FF00 186 0,255,0